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You could be experiencing more of what you desire in your life in just 30 days by learning the easy steps to shift your vibrational frequency, align with your authentic self, and attract on a whole new level!

30 Day
Mastering Vibrational Alignment Challenge

The next 30 Day Challenge starts in...

In this 30 Day Challenge I will teach you how to create good vibrational habits that will clean up your vibration, bringing you into a more coherent frequency; how to turn off autopilot and become more self-aware; how to let go of your limiting beliefs and shift old thought patterns to new ones that serve you; and how to align with your authentic self and with more of what you truly desire to have and experience. 

Can you imagine living every day in alignment with your             authentic self and             excited about what the          Universe is going to       deliver to you next?!

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-Owning my own dream business gives me the freedom to do whatever I want.
-Date night with my best friend and the love of my life.
Cathy Abeyta: Energy Intuitive, Vibrational Alignment Life Coach, and Creator of the "Mastering Vibrational Alignment
30 Day Challenge."
-Paris, April 2022
-Next on the list, traveling the country on our Harleys.
Why do I keep attracting the same type of mate?

I know what I want in a relationship and a mate but I just can't seem to find that person. I keep ending up in relationships that are unsatisfying and even unhealthy. I just want to find true love! 

I meditate and make vision boards...why can't I manifest what I want?

I've taken classes on how to create vision boards and I know I have to get clear about what I want and visualize but it just never seems to work. What am I doing wrong?

I should just be satisfied with the life I have. I mean, after all, fairytales don't come true.

There are a lot of things I'd like to have and experience in my life but it's just not in the cards for people like me.

It just seems like it's a lot of work to change what I believe...

I've lived through some very traumatic experiences so I don't think I can move beyond my pain like other people can.

When it comes to creating change have you ever thought...? 

" reminded me of so many of the things I am experiencing in this challenge related to clearing away the crap that keeps me believing I'm not good enough, I can't do it, I've failed, etc. And once I start playing different tapes/shifting my thinking, so much more has opened up to me, including a sense of communicating with higher spirits and relaxing into trust. Such incredible work, and I don't know how to thank you enough for helping me tap into it, and by extension helping a grieving widow whose life has been turned upside down."




"It feels so good to finally be able to let go of the past and focus on who I truly am, who I truly want to be, and what I want to experience in the future. I have already seen shifts in my life in a really positive direction and am so excited to see what's next and what is possible."


"I had some time this morning, so I wanted to write to let you know how grateful I am to be doing this challenge in the midst of this major life transition. Your insights, encouragements, and exercises guiding us toward living at our highest level have been invaluable to me, and has helped me relatively quickly shift so many detrimental patterns. Others are slower to shift, but the quality of awareness I have around them has shifted in a way that makes it seem possible to grow, a possibility I never recognized in the past." 




"This challenge has literally changed my life. I've been struggling for so long trying to fix things on my own and I finally realize I have been blocking my own progress. I am literally a new person...the real me!"

"I have learned to be more self-aware and live life consciously rather than on autopilot. I am starting to recognize how my thoughts and automatic emotional reactions to things because of my past conditioning is really impacting my vibration. I am now focusing on catching myself when I have thoughts or energy that don't serve what I'm trying to achieve and rewrite the scripts in my head to match what I'm trying to attract. I am so much more joyful since starting this work and just my perception of the world around me has shifted in a big way."



"I love starting my days this way! I am really enjoying this challenge! Thank you!! So, so much fun!!!!" 

What people are saying about working with Cathy... 

A meditation to use daily to help you quiet your mind and assist you in becoming more present and connected to your inner voice. 

Daily communication from me with lessons and homework to keep you focused and accountable to your commitment to master your vibration.

Two group Zoom chats with me to discuss your progress, answer questions, and share any challenges and/or successes you are experiencing.

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Each group Zoom chat will start with 10-15 minutes of distance Reiki energy healing to assist you to raise your vibration. 

What's inside the 30 Day Challenge?

Friends Having Fun

Invite a Friend...

Do you know someone who's been frustrated with their life and could use this 30 Day Challenge? Just like we share our latest favorite eyelash serum, healthy recipe, or workout routine, sharing this powerful 30 Day Challenge with someone who could benefit actually helps the whole because energetically we're all connected and therefore all influence each other.

And let's talk about momentum! The more you feel and express the new habits of thought and ideas about what you truly want to line up with, about who the authentic you is, and about the changes taking place, the more momentum you put behind it. And the more momentum you have going in the right direction, the easier it is to see change. Plus, doing this with your BFF can really help keep you motivated, dedicated, and accountable to the work you committed to.'s just more fun!


My Gift To You


I'm excited about this new program and I want everyone to be able to take advantage of I'm offering it at a huge discount off it's actual value!

Join the
30 Day 
Mastering Vibrational Alignment

Starting 08-07-2023 
for just $299 $199   $99

Enter email address to
get started...
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